Demolition Day got us off to a great start with the remodeling of our 1912 Arts and Crafts house in York, PA. But so much has happened since then!
The kitchen walls have gone from yellow faux-brick wall board, to the mounting lathe beneath it, to bare plaster.
We've pealed back the walls around the back stairs in preparation for their removal and expansion of our kitchen.
(These are the basement stairs, in their place will
be the fridge, stove, and countertop.)
The dining room closet is ready to be converted to the new basement stairs.
(We're hoping to recycle the wood flooring we
carefully pulled up in the closet by using it to repair
flooring in a second floor bedroom!)
And most recently, and perhaps most exciting: the kitchen floor has gone from three layers of linoleum (one for every three decades I suppose) to bare wood. Thank to Jon Allen for his assistance in getting the floors to this point!
(While we sanded a lot of lines, stains, and old adhesive off the floors,
another mystery line appeared. It appears to be some sort of cut made when
installing previous flooring but even more interestingly, it seems to have dyed the
wood around it!)
We can't wait for the final product. Then we'll have true before and after photos!